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Below are the terms of the agreement that govern the relationship between you (the User) and ST JAMES INTERNATIONAL LIMITED (hereinafter ST JAMES INTERNATIONAL), when accessing, browsing, or using this website. These Terms and Conditions of Use are in addition to any agreement you may have with St James International.



Please carefully read the following Terms and Conditions of Use, since by simply using or accessing any of the pages that make up the Web Portal (hereinafter the Portal), St James International will understand that you have read, accept and agree to be bound by the terms and conditions described here; Otherwise, please refrain from using the Portal.


For the purposes of these Terms and Conditions of Use and Access, all those resources and assets owned or under the control of St James International , subdomains and subdirectories, and all Internet guides, developed in in whole or in part by St James International, that display or transfer information to or from any electronic equipment, including, but not limited to, personal computers, mobile phones, personal digital assistants and television equipment.


Also included is the external appearance of the screen interfaces, both statically and dynamically, as well as the elements integrated into both the screen interfaces and the navigation tree, including, but not limited to: those brands; logos; commercial adverts; distinctive signs; tradenames; patents; industrial designs; characters; texts; images; sounds; databases; multimedia products; interpretations; artistic performances; fixings; Photographs; broadcast signals; and in general all those creations and objects expressed by any means or support, whether or not they are subject to protection by the current legal system regarding intellectual and industrial property or by any other analogous legal systems.



The use of the Portal expresses the User's full and unreserved adherence to these Terms and Conditions of Use and Access.

Through the Portal, the User will access and/or use various services and content, made available to Users by St James International and/or by third party providers of said services and content. St James International will have the right to deny, restrict or condition the User's access to the Portal, in whole or in part, at its sole discretion.

The use of the services and contents of the Portal is the exclusive responsibility of the User, who in any case must use them in accordance with the functionalities allowed in the Portal itself and the uses authorized in these Terms and Conditions, for which the User is obliged to use them in such a way that they do not violate the rules of use and coexistence on the Internet, the laws of the United Mexican States, Treaties signed by Mexico, good customs, the dignity of the person, the rights of third parties and the legislation in force in the country at the time it is in use.

The intention of the Portal is to be used in a personal, private and private manner by the User, so it may not be copied, modified, licensed, published, reproduced or used for commercial purposes in any way, unless had reached a prior written agreement with St James International. In addition, the acts of reproduction, sending, retransmission, dissemination, sale, distribution, publication or transmission of said content, whether or not authorized by St James International, will not transfer to the User any ownership over any software, service or material contained in the Portal, both from St James International and third parties.


The use or application of any technical, logical or technological resources by virtue of which Users may benefit, directly or indirectly, with or without profit, from the unauthorized exploitation and/or use of the contents and/or services is expressly prohibited of the Portal.


The User agrees not to use the Portal to carry out activities contrary to the Law, morality, accepted good customs or established public order or for purposes or effects that are illicit, prohibited, or harmful to the rights and interests of third parties, releasing St James International from any liability that may arise from all of the above.

It is strictly prohibited to use the Portal in any way that could damage, disable, overload, saturate or deteriorate any equipment, computer system, telecommunications equipment, St James International server, or any network connected to the St James International servers and the contents incorporated and/or stored therein.


Likewise, the Portal may not be used in a way that interferes with, prevents or limits the normal and correct use and enjoyment of any other User. The User is obliged not to stalk, harass or in any way harass any third parties, as well as not to collect or store personal information about other users of the Portal without complying with current legislation on data protection, or making available to third parties, for any purpose, data captured from distribution lists.



The User knows and agrees that:

• St James International will be empowered to adopt the security measures it deems appropriate, with respect to the Electronic Systems, Electronic Signature and communication related to the Banking Services, so from this moment it grants its agreement to the security measures that are chosen and applied by St James International International.

• St James International does not request confidential data via email.

•    As a User You must use secure passwords consisting of at least 8 alphanumeric characters (including signs and numbers) and change your password periodically to access your email.

•Prevent access to your accounts in public places or on multi-user computers.



To access the Portal, the User must have access to the Internet, either directly or indirectly through access devices and have the equipment and computer systems necessary to make the Internet connection, including a terminal that is suitable for such effect and an access device. For correct access and implementation of certain contents and services of the Portal, the User may need to download certain computer programs or other logical elements to their computer equipment. Said installation will be the responsibility of the User, releasing St James International from any type of responsibility that may arise from it.


The Portal is created to be viewed with the specifications mentioned at the bottom of it; However, if the User uses a resolution other than the one mentioned, he/she acknowledges and accepts that the Portal will not appear as precise as it was designed and its use will be solely and exclusively under his/her own responsibility.

To assign the access key, the following must be considered:

1.    That the selected number is not part of your account number.
2.    That does not assign more than 2 identical characters in consecutive ascending or
3.    The key must not contain more than two consecutive ascending or descending numbers.



Access and use of security areas protected by security devices, such as personal passwords, access codes and confidential numbers, is restricted to authorized Users exclusively.


The User must refrain from attempting to obtain unauthorized access to these sections of the Portal, as well as to any other material, information or protected content, through any means, not intentionally made by St James International to be used by all users. Unauthorized persons who attempt to access or who have inappropriately obtained access to these areas will be subject to administrative, civil or criminal prosecution, as well as property or moral damages, losses or any other that may arise from the improper use of the services and content available on the Portal.


For the purposes of the provisions of Art. 52 of the Credit Institutions Law, the use of means of identification to carry out authorized operations through this electronic system will replace the handwritten signature and will produce the same effects as the laws, grant the corresponding documents; and consequently, they will have the same evidentiary value, the User expressly accepts that any instruction, operation or information that is generated, sent, received, archived or communicated through this Web page using the Electronic Signature, will be considered a handwritten signature.


Electronic Signature means the card number (User Code) plus the PIN or PASSWORD, which replaces the handwritten signature, producing the same effects that the laws grant to the handwritten signature, including its probative value.


The User, for all legal purposes that may apply, expressly recognizes and accepts the personal and non-transferable nature of his Electronic Signature, as well as its confidentiality.


The User acknowledges that the user password and PIN will remain under his or her custody, control and care, and therefore any loss that he or she may suffer as a result of their improper use will be his or her sole responsibility.


The user authorizes St James International to carry out, on its own initiative, the validation of the security and information features that they consider relevant. In the event that the User is aware or believes that there has been any security violation such as theft or unauthorized use of their PIN, they must immediately notify to block access with that password and assign to the user a new one.


The User declares that they are aware of the scope that the applicable legislation attributes to the Electronic Signature, so its use will be the exclusive responsibility of the User and St James International will in no case be responsible for any damages that the improper use of the Electronic Signature causes to the User. User even when there is a fortuitous event or force majeure. In no event will St James International be liable for any damages, including, without limitation, direct, indirect, inherent or consequential damages, losses, expenses arising in connection with the website or the Internet page of its own or its affiliated businesses or its use or inability to use, or in connection with any failure of performance, error, omission, interruption, defect, delay in operation or transmission, computer virus, or system or line failure.


The accounting entries, account statements, Authorization Number, as well as the physical or electronic records or documents that are generated due to the Use of the Portal and other documentary and technical records derived from the use of the Electronic Systems, will prove their existence and validity. The information and instructions that the User transmits or communicates to St James International through this service will have full probative value and legal force to prove the operation carried out, its amount, its nature, as well as the characteristics and scope of its instructions.


The access codes that St James International assigns to each client or that have been selected directly by the client, are an essential requirement to verify the identity of the User and for the User to access information and be able to transmit instructions through the services provided by the Portal or any other means. All transactions identified through the correct combination of the user's security devices will be attributable to the user and will serve to demonstrate their origin. Consequently, the User is responsible, but not limited to, for all acts, dispositions or transfers carried out through said security devices. The User accepts and understands that all operations correctly identified with the combination of their security devices will be considered as carried out directly by the User.


The use of the access codes will be the exclusive responsibility of the client, so, in any case, access to information or transmission of instructions through the services provided by the Portal or any other means, through the use of the access codes access, will be considered carried out by the client and in no case will St James International be responsible for the execution of said instructions.


For the services that the Portal offers, at all times, the User will be solely and ultimately responsible for keeping secret, keeping all due confidentiality, the security devices such as the number of their accounts and their personal passwords, access codes and confidential numbers with which you have access to the services and contents of the Portal, as well as third-party pages.


The User accepts full responsibility for all activities that occur in their accounts or personal passwords or access codes or confidential numbers that are due to their conduct, inactivity or negligence. It is the User's obligation to immediately notify St James International if they become aware of any improper act due to disclosure of information, loss, theft or unauthorized use of their accounts.



The intellectual property rights regarding the services and contents and the distinctive signs and domains of the Portal, as well as the rights to use and exploit them, including but not limited to their disclosure, publication, reproduction, commercialization, exploitation, distribution, and transformation. They are the sole property of St James International. All content displayed or available through the Portal is protected by the legislation of the United Mexican States and by international laws on the matter. The User does not acquire any intellectual property rights by simply using the services and contents of the Portal and at no time will said use be considered an authorization or license to use the services and contents for purposes other than those contemplated herein. Terms, Conditions of Use and Access to the Portal.


The User agrees that the provisions established in the previous paragraph regarding the ownership of the rights of St James International are also applicable to the rights of third parties regarding the services and contents of the pages linked to the Portal.


The content of this Portal cannot be reproduced in part or in whole, displayed, modified, registered, copied, displayed, disclosed, transmitted, distributed, published, printed, sold, given in any type of license, cited or used to create a derivative work or for any other purposes, except with the prior written authorization of St James International.



The information contained in this Portal has been prepared by St James International with the purpose of providing general information to Users. The opinions, estimates and projections contained in the Portal may be modified according to changes in expectations and in political, economic and financial market conditions, both domestic and foreign. St James International reserves the right to update, change, modify or eliminate both the information and the services, content and configuration of the Portal, at any time and without prior notice. By using the Portal, the user acknowledges and accepts that St James International has complete freedom to expand, interrupt, deactivate, limit, restrict, cancel or annul the access, availability and operation of the Portal or any of the contents and/or services that are integrated into the Portal.


The information contained in the pages and documents that St James International makes available to you has been obtained from sources considered reliable; however, St James International does not guarantee its veracity. St James International has taken all necessary care to ensure that the information contained is up to date at the time of publication; However, the intention to provide this information does not imply the issuance of value judgments or investment suggestions on the part of St James International, its officers, executives, employees or third parties; therefore, the information, opinions, estimates and projections expressed in the Portal, as well as the consultation of any information, whether financial or of any other nature, contained in the Portal, is merely illustrative and must be considered by the User exclusively for informational purposes, by virtue of not implying any investment recommendation or suggestion that in itself implies investment advice or that may be considered an offer or solicitation of an offer to sell or buy securities of any type that constitute an offer binding that obliges the user and St James International to enter into any contract, so its use will be under the strictest responsibility of the User.


Neither St James International, nor its suppliers or business partners will be responsible for any damage or loss suffered by the User as a result of delays, inaccuracies, errors or omissions of any kind, changes, updates, repairs or improvements to the services and contents, or the results obtained from the use of the information contained in the Portal. 


Some tools that are available on the Portal provide general information on financial or investment matters based on personal information that the User provides, so the results should not be considered as an offer, proposal or investment recommendation. Unless specified, the user is solely and ultimately responsible for determining whether an investment, product, plan, portfolio, investment strategy or service is appropriate for him, based on his investment objectives and personal financial situation.


St James International does not make any warranty or guarantee the accuracy or reliability of any information, content or advertising contained in, distributed through, linked to, recorded or accessed through the Portal, nor the quality of any product, information or other materials displayed, acquired, or obtained by the User as a result of any advertising or any information or offer contained in, or related to, the service or the Portal. The User acknowledges that relying on the credibility of any service or content will be at his or her own risk. St James International reserves the right, at its own discretion and without any obligation, to update any service or content displayed on the Portal, without prior notice.


St James International is not responsible for any possible discrepancies that may arise between the printed version of the documents and the electronic version of the same published on the Portal.



Without prejudice to what was established above, the operations that may be carried out through the Portal will be governed by the terms and conditions established in the respective contract, which is formalized or has been formalized by the User with St James International, prior to access authorization to the transactional section of the Portal.


In accordance with current National and International Legislation, St James International cannot assume any obligation to guarantee returns, nor be responsible for any losses that the investor may suffer because of operations arranged in accordance with the applicable Legislation itself. St James International emphasizes to all its Users that the returns obtained by financial products in the past do not guarantee returns in the future.

The client acknowledges that the instructions transmitted through the services provided by the Portal or any other means will be made with full knowledge of the risks involved in the operations he orders and without the need to have obtained prior advice from St James International regarding each operation. Based on the foregoing, the client releases, absolutely and without limitation, St James International from any liability that may arise from the results of the operations that the client orders through the services provided via the Internet or any other means whether or not these derive from non-compliance with the instructions received by the User.


St James International will not be responsible for acts carried out by national or international authorities, brokerage houses or other stock intermediaries, including but not limited to errors in settlement, cancellations of events, suspensions and cancellations of registrations, suspensions and quote cancellations, interruptions and system outages; Therefore, from this moment, the User releases, absolutely and without any limitation, St James International from all responsibility and renounces any legal action that may apply for such reasons against St James International.



St James International may, from time to time, offer links to other sites or Web pages from the Portal that may be of interest to the User, in which St James International may display links, icons and/or brands of various independent providers, including of financial services, related to St James International and its respective services and content, whose material has been developed and is maintained by themselves, so it cannot be considered that there is any type of association between St James International and said third parties, therefore which St James International will not be responsible for changes in the links or their addresses, nor for the updating, quality, veracity, integrity and consistency of the information or the availability and operation of said sites or with respect to any act, omission or warranty of any kind related to them. St James International in no way endorses, and will have no obligation or responsibility for, the delivery or non-delivery of the respective services or content of such providers or the accuracy, completeness, quality or timeliness thereof.


Regarding the services and content presented by third parties within the Portal, the function of St James International is exclusively limited, for the convenience of the User, to providing a means to put the User in contact with service providers related to the business but independent of St James International. Third-party services or products marketed within the Portal and/or on linked third-party sites are supplied by independent merchants to St James International.


St James International is not and cannot be considered as a provider of the goods and services offered on said pages and/or sites. The inclusion of said pages and/or links does not imply the approval, endorsement, sponsorship, recommendation or guarantee, by St James International, of the services and goods marketed therein, or of the content of said pages. There is no type of employment relationship, association, or partnership between St James International and said third parties.


St James International is not responsible for and does not control, approve, or endorse the services, information, data, files, products and any type of material existing on the sites linked to the Portal pages. The quality and reliability of linked sites may vary depending on whether they are updated or altered.

The User, therefore, must exercise extreme caution in the assessment and use of the services, information, data, files, products and any type of third-party material existing on the linked sites. Access to any other site linked to the Portal is at the User's own risk.


All advice, statements, information and content of third-party pages linked to or within the Portal represent the opinions and judgments of said third party, consequently, St James International will not be responsible for any damage or loss suffered by the User as a result of the same, including, but not limited to, damages caused by economic losses, data or programs, nor does it guarantee or assume any responsibility for damages of any kind that may be caused by the operation, availability, accessibility, continuity, maintenance of the services, information, data, files, obligations, offers, products and any kind of material existing on the linked sites.


Therefore, the user understands that the client-supplier relationship or with third-party sites will be exclusively between them and the User, and under no circumstances with St James International, so they will not have any legal action for claims, complaints or any other against St James International, in the event of default, by the provider or any third party owned site.



St James International maintains designed procedures, as well as will take the necessary security measures at its disposal, to maintain the confidentiality of the confidential information received from the User through the Portal or any other means. St James International is obliged to keep confidential the information it receives from the User that has such a character in accordance with the legal provisions applicable in the United Mexican States.



The User who has access to the Portal agrees to receive a cookie file or a file with a similar purpose that is transmitted by the servers of St James International. Cookie means a data file that is stored on the hard drive of the user's computer when the user accesses the Portal. Cookies may contain information such as identification provided by the user or information to track the pages the user has visited. A cookie cannot read data or information from the User's hard drive or read cookies created by other sites or pages. The purpose of cookies is to allow the user to obtain the services related to the Portal more easily.



St James International will use all reasonable efforts to try to ensure the availability and accessibility of the Portal twenty-four hours a day, every day of the year. However, the provision of new connections, address changes and updating of necessary maintenance operations that, in general, imply the suspension of access or use of the Portal may cause interruptions for the time it is necessary to undertake said tasks.


St James International may provide or make available to the User various services, information, and content through the Portal, or through links to other Internet sites, either directly or indirectly by various providers outside of St James International. However, St James International cannot guarantee the availability and continuity of the operation of the Portal, nor the usefulness of the Portal or the services contained in it in relation to any specific activity.


St James International will not be responsible for any damage or loss of any nature that may be caused due to the lack of availability or continuity of operation of the Portal and/or the services contained therein.


St James International will not be, in any sense, responsible to the User or third parties for damages and/or losses that are related to the use or inability to use the services provided by the Portal or through the Portal or for any error, delay, omission or inaccuracy of information or in its sending or transmission, loss or damage caused by inconsistency, poor or non-functioning, interruption of information, whether due to a voluntary, involuntary act or omission of St James International, acts of God or force greater beyond its control, labor problems, accidents, government regulations, communications, failures in the supply of electrical energy, technical problems, interruption in communication systems, failures in the operation of computer systems, computer equipment or in the system itself and for any other cause beyond the control of St James International, any of its members or its suppliers or transmitters.



The User agrees that if St James International needs to contact or send any information in paper and in writing, St James International may do so by mail addressed to the User at the email address on file with St James International or, at the discretion of St James International, through legally permitted electronic communications transmitted by St James International to the User's email address on file with St James International. Unless the communication indicates another effective date, any communication sent by St James International to the user will take effect when it is sent by mail to the User's email address upon delivery to the postal service provider, and any electronic communication sent by St James International to the User will take effect when transmitted by St James International to the User's email service provider.


The User must promptly notify St James International in writing, or by email with written confirmation sent by mail within 5 business days, if the User changes its mail service or email address. In no event shall St James International be liable, and the User expressly releases St James International from any claim or liability, for any act or omission of the User or the User's email service provider in the handling of email addressed to and sent by the User, or for any failure in computer hardware and software or communication lines that are not maintained by St James International or under the control of St James International.



Under the terms of the provisions applicable to the Commercial Code in force in the United Mexican States (i) any data message correctly identified with the combination of the user's security devices to St James International, will be considered a written communication or by written and as an express manifestation of the will of its issuer; and (ii) any data message correctly identified with the combination of security devices will be considered, for all purposes applicable, to have been duly signed and will be an original version when printed from the electronic archive established and maintained by St James International in the ordinary course of its operations. If electronic records and signed documents are presented in paper form as evidence in any judicial or other proceeding, they will be admissible in the same form and under the same conditions as other documentary business records.



St James International is not responsible for any damages or losses that the User may suffer resulting from access, use or misuse of the contents of the Portal by the User himself or by third parties.


The User acknowledges and accepts that they use the Internet and electronic media in general under their strict responsibility, for which the User expressly releases, absolutely and without limitation, St James International, its officers, employees and directors, from any administrative, civil or criminal, judicial and/or extrajudicial liability, as well as any financial or moral damages, losses or any other that may arise from the use of said means of communication, releasing St James International from any liability.


The User does not have the right to place hyperlinks to and from the Portal, nor the right to place or use the services and contents of the Portal on their own or third-party sites or pages without prior written authorization from St James International.


The User accepts that St James International will not have any responsibility or contingency regarding the services or information, timeliness, content or correct sequence of the materials, or any decision or act made by the user based on the content or services provided by the Portal, for the interruption or delay of any information, content, service, or any other aspect of the services. St James International does not guarantee that any services, products, materials, or other content available on or through the Portal, or the St James International computer system will meet the user's particular purposes or needs. There are no implied warranties of merchantability or quality, fitness for a particular use, or of the computer content, and there are no other warranties of any kind, express or implied, with respect to the services and content or any other aspect of the services (including, without limitation, access of information and order of execution) even if St James International has been informed or otherwise has knowledge of the possibility of such events, including without limitation, liability associated with any computer code, which may infect the User's computer equipment or related software.


St James International does not guarantee that the products, services, and content available through the Portal are appropriate or available for use outside the United Mexican States or access to them from different territories or where their content is not duly authorized.


Any user who chooses to access the Portal from other locations will do so on their own initiative and will therefore be responsible for compliance with local laws, releasing St James International from any administrative, civil, or criminal liability, as well as any patrimonial or moral damages, losses or any other that may arise from the use of the services and the content available on the Portal.


St James International does not guarantee or assume any type of responsibility for damages suffered by access to the Site by third parties through connections, links or links of the linked sites, nor for links to other sites that the user or visitor can do from the Site.


St James International does not assume any responsibility arising from the exchange of electronic information between users of the Internet network and does not acquire any responsibility due to technical problems that may occur in computer equipment used during connection to the Internet network, whether through the St James International portal or other websites.


St James International reserves the right to deny or terminate the User's access or use of the Portal, any service, content, information or any part thereof, in the sole discretion of St James International, without notice and limitation, except those stipulated by the respective service contract, for any reason, including, but not limited to, non-compliance by the User with any provision of these Terms and Conditions or any applicable service contract, or discontinuance of access from St James International to any service or content. In the event of any termination for these reasons, St James International will have no liability to the User.



The use of this Portal is governed by the version of the Terms and Conditions of use in effect on the date of access to it. St James International reserves the right to modify the Terms and Conditions of Use at any time, without prior notice and with effect from the moment the revised version of the Terms and Conditions of Use becomes available on the Portal. Consequently, at any time the Portal is used or accessed, it will be understood that the Terms and Conditions of use, which at that moment are on the Portal have been duly read and accepted fully and without reservations and that the User agrees to be bound by the Terms and Conditions of use described. Consequently, the User accepts that it is their obligation to periodically review the Terms and Conditions of use, which can be accessed at the bottom of each page of the Portal.

Applicable laws and jurisdiction


By using the Portal, the user expressly agrees to submit, for any controversy, interpretation, compliance and execution of these Terms and Conditions, to the laws applicable to the specific case in force in the United Mexican States and competent in the jurisdiction of the courts of Mexico City, Federal District, expressly waiving any other jurisdiction or jurisdiction that may apply due to your nationality or present or future domicile and regardless of the place where the data messages are generated, communicated, transmitted, received or stored corresponding.

If the User uses the Portal or the services or the content or information for any illegal or improper purpose, the User must promptly reimburse St James International for any damage, loss, cost, or expense incurred by St James International as a result of such use.


St James International website: In case of doubts regarding the use of electronic means, the legitimate origin of an email and the security of your information by the institution, write to us at

Update date 11th August 2023 

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